George Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM GAFM ® - Founder & Attorney
George S Mentz, Esq. is an licensed attorney with the Mentz
Law Firm, LLC. The original Mentz Firms have a long history going back to 1947 and before. The
Late Judge Henry Mentz founded the Mentz firm after WWII, and later his son, George Mentz re-started
the family tradition. George Mentz was formerly with Kahn GauthierLLC ("KGS") which was founded in 2001 by
Wendell Gauthier, the nationally prominent lawyer most responsible for the national tobacco settlements in
excess of $200 billion, and numerous other recoveries for thousands of plaintiffs in excess of $3
George S. Mentz, Esq. - Atty at Law
Counselor Mentz is licensed to practice law in Louisiana and the Federal Courts of the
EDLA and has been a member of various Sections of the Bar. Mr. Mentz is chiefly a consultant and
professor in the areas of class action lawsuits, defamation, consumer fraud, secuities law, personal
injury, quantum financial damages analysis, ethics, international law, business, public relations, and
financial law, and he has been quoted or featured in the US Newswire, Financial Times Asia, The
Hindu National and El Norte Mexico. Mr. Mentz has written and published in multiple venues around the world
in Radio, TV, magazines, web-casts, and journals.
Mr. Mentz holds and earned his Doctor of Jurisprudence (Latin JD) after
completing courses at Loyola University School of Law, Tulane Law School and William and Mary Law School.
Moreover, Mr. Mentz holds an MBA in International Business and Financial Planning from an AACSB accredited
business school. He also has an earned international law certificate or (considered a diploma).
Mentz has taught over 250 law school, MBA and business courses in the last
25 years. Mr. Mentz has served on several boards and advisory committees in the US, Europe, and
Asia. Mr. Mentz is the first person in the US to be "Quad Designated" with an earned JD, MBA, certified
financial consultant credential and registered financial planner license. Mr. Mentz has provided
specialized consulting over the years as to valuation and quantum damages, and has testified as an expert
in NASD arbitration hearings. Mr. Mentz has served as an Advisor to the Global Finance
Forum in Switzerland, the World e-Commere Forum in London, and has helped trained and
educate thousands of people globally in the areas of law, finance, ethics, tax, corporate governance,
investments, and wealth management.
Mentz has had US Federal Positions as a Commissioner for the US Department
of Education, is a Member of St. George House UK Windsor Castle, and is an award winning author and
professor for a top US Law School.